
For the review of submissions to the Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación  journal, two reviewers (a third in cases of discrepancy) will be selected according to their area of specialization (which guarantees a value judgment based on expert knowledge of the subject).

Reviewers will act under the criteria of impartiality, objectivity, promptness, confidentiality, respect and acknowledgement of uncited sources. They must work in solidarity with the publishing line drawn and declare possible conflicts of interest. On the other hand, the reviewers will be external to the author’s institution, and at least 50% of them must be external to the Advisory Council, the Scientific Committee, and the publishing entity.

Reviewers commit:

  • To make a fair and objective review of the articles.
  • To respect the deadlines, evaluating the papers in the shortest possible time in order to meet the schedule indicated in the journal’s publication rules.
  • To clearly state the arguments for their assessment.
  • Not to accept any articles for review in which there might be a conflict of interest that would limit their objectivity.
  • Report the detection of artificial intelligence -generated texts.
  • Refrain from using artificial intelligence to conduct reviews without proper oversight and without informing the editorial team.
  • Refuse to review an article if you do not feel technically qualified.
  • To maintain the confidentiality of the information and data of the evaluated articles.
  • To accurately indicate the bibliographical references of fundamental works that may have been overlooked by the author(s).
  • To inform the editors of any similarity or overlap of the manuscript with other published works.
  • To evaluate manuscripts solely on their intellectual content, without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors.
  • Take into account the gender perspective when reviewing papers and in evaluation reports.
  • Do not use information, data, theories, or interpretations of the manuscript for your own benefit or that of others, or to harm others. Only in special cases may you seek advice from other specialists in the field, a circumstance of which you will inform the journal's editors.

The journal has a database for internal use that processes and registers the transfer of articles and the set of reviewers. The list of reviewers in the one-year review period will be published thereafter. Evaluators who have effectively evaluated at least one article in the one-year review period receive an annual participation certificate as journal reviewers.

Guide for reviewers

Reviewer's qualifications

Reviewers must have the academic qualification of a PhD or be an expert in the thematic focus of the journal: computer science, industrial engineering, telecommunications, e-learning, technologies applied to education and the humanities, etc.

Candidates should send a brief updated curriculum vitae (maximum one page, with the most relevant academic achievements) to, including their academic identifiers (ORCID, Google Scholar, Scopus,, Publons, etc.). The Publishing Board will review the proposal and inform the interested party.

Reviewers who participated in the year 2024

Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín

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Antonio Palacios-Rodríguez

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Augusto Parcemon Cortez

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Aurora Centellas Rodrigo

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Bartolomé Pizà-Mir

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Begoña Esther Sampedro-Requena

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Bertha Guamán Guaya

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Carmen Rocío Yot-Domínguez

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Carlos Sancho Álvarez

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Catalina Rus Casas

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Cliffor Jerry Herrera Castrillo

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Danilo Díaz Levicoy

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Delia Lucía Cañete-Estigarribia

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Elena Sánchez González

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Elisa González Pérez

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Elisabeth Fernández Martín

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Enrique Barra Arias

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Estefanía Ruiz-Barrios

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Esther Angeriz Pampin

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Esther Vega Gea

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Eva María Bailén Ferrández

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Francisco Javier Sanmartín Litrán

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Francisco Roca Rodríguez

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Guadalupe Lourdes Hernández Rodriguez

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Guillermo Isaac González Rodríguez

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Helbert Alfonso Estrella Ceme

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Ilse Aglae León Lizárraga

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Irene Caro Cañizares

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Javier Álvarez Otero

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Javier Manuel Valle López

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Jesús Ernesto Duarte Gastélum

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Joaquín Paredes Labra

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Judith Velasco Rodríguez

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Julio Barroso Osuna

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Julio Ruiz Palmero

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Ligia Garcia-Bejar

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Liliana Beatriz Herrera Nieves

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Lissette Huerta Domínguez

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Luis Octavio Alpizar Garrido

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Luis Velasco-Martínez

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Manuel Fandos Igado

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Margarita Bakieva Karimova

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María Cecilia Roma

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Marie-Noëlle Lázaro

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Marina Villar del Saz Bedmar

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Marisol B. Correia

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Marisol Rey Castillo

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Marta Montenegro Rueda

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Norma Flores González

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Osbaldo Turpo Gebera

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Pedro José González Felipe

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Raquel Alarcón Rodríguez

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Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández

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Rocío Jiménez Cortés

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Sandra Sanz Martos

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Sergio Reyes Angona

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Vanessa Fernández Chamorro

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Verónica Marín-Díaz

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Víctor Hugo Virgilio Méndez

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Violeta Luque Ribelles

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