Multidevice mobile learning in open university teaching


  • Francisco David De la Peña Esteban Profesor ayudante doctor de la Escuela de Ciencias Técnicas e Ingeniería de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • María Concepción Burgos García Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • María Antonia Simón Rodríguez profesora asociada doctora de la Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (España)



mobile learning, multidevice, web apps, responsive web design (RWD), distance university education


The development of information and communica­tion technologies (ICT) throughout the past years has had a great effect on the way learning is approached, specially on mobile learning. Nowa-days, most students rely on numerous devices with internet connection, which they hope to be able to use anywhere and anytime as learning tools. Facing this challenge, Madrid Open Uni­versity (UDIMA) set out to implement applications (apps) complementary to conventional studying techniques in this multidevice environment. First­ly, a pilot trial was carried out for Android opera-ting system, available for both smartphones and tablets. Building on this study, the next step was the development of a web application (web app) with a responsive web design (RWD), which is practi­cally compatible with all new modern mobile devi-ces. This initiative is currently widespread, and five web apps are available for various assignments for both degree and masters programs. Students find them to be of great help for learning, and consider them to add value to the learning expe­rience. The practical cases modules and multime­dia content stand out as the most appreciated. Students would also like to have a notification sys­tem for the classes.


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How to Cite

De la Peña Esteban, F. D., Burgos García, M. C., & Simón Rodríguez, M. A. (2016). Multidevice mobile learning in open university teaching. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (5), 111–123.