Application of quality function deployment (QFD) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) techniques to improve the quality of postgraduate training


  • Antonio Pastor Sanmillán Doctor en Economía de la Empresa y Finanzas, licenciado en Psicología, director del área de Dirección de Empresas en el CEF.- Centro de Estudios Financieros y en la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)



higher education, education quality, quality function deployment (QFD), analytic hierarchy process (AHP)


The importance of ensuring quality in higher education is evident in the number of local, national and transna­tional organizations dedicated to this end. The impres­sive volume of works published on quality in education is further testimony to its importance. All university, tra­ditional or on-line, has a department dedicated to the study of quality, and the academic literature in this area is extremely broad in scope.

Yet in this abundant wealth of studies, methodologies, techniques, fantasies and realities in which professors and university administrators, teachers, psychologists, marketing experts and quality professionals focus their attention, there is in our opinion something basic and ele­mental which is frequently forgotten: to ask the student, the end user (who should be the fundamental object of our interest) what aspects of postgraduate study he truly values. The goal of the present study will be to verify the usefulness of multi-criteria analysis, and of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in particular, attached to quality function deployment (QFD), for performing this task in multicultural environments. The population chosen for our study is comprised of the students enrolled in on-site postgraduate programs at the CEF School of Business.


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How to Cite

Pastor Sanmillán, A. (2016). Application of quality function deployment (QFD) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) techniques to improve the quality of postgraduate training. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (5), 11–36.