A framework to transform a traditional university towards a smart university from a quality assurance perspective abstract
campus, university, infrastructure, education, environment, society, governanceAbstract
Smart universities are a new and fast-growing field that integrate innovative ideas that advance education. This paper presents a framework based on good management practices aimed at transforming traditional universities into smart universities. To develop the proposal, a literature review was conducted to analyze the scope of existing frameworks for describing and modeling intelligent universities. This made it possible to identify seven pillars such as: «education», «environment», «society», «governance», «infrastructure and mobility», «health» and «research, development and innovation». A questionnaire-type instrument was formulated and applied to a case study, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador-Sede Esmeraldas (PUCESE). The rating achieved by PUCESE was 2.86 out of 6 points on average. Based on this, it was determined that the institution is not a smart university. Finally, it is concluded that the proposal helps to diagnose elements of a smart university and allows designing strategies oriented to innovate in the infrastructure, services, resources and management of a smart university.
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