«Con la Lengua Fuera». A digital innovation project for the virtual classroom of Spanish Language
educational innovation, gamification, educational videogames, Spanish Language, Breakout EDU, motivation, online learningAbstract
Although linguistics contents are crucial in all the degrees of the Communication field, some academic data of the Spanish Language subject –offered in the degrees of Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations of the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA– indicated a constant detachment from the students (men and women) towards the subject destined to work on these contents. An example of this is that more than 60 % of students did not take the final exam of the subject during the academic year 2019-2020.
With the aim of improving the commitment of the students to the subject, a digital innovation project called «Con la Lengua Fuera» was developed. The project consisted of the design of a dynamic in which digital gamification strategies were used (such as first-person narrative, multimedia language and game levels) in a Breakout EDU format. The game was designed as three activities to work both theoretical and procedural content related to Spanish Language in the Moodle learning platform. This paper describes the framework in which the innovation project was carried out and the steps that were followed for its design and implementation in the virtual classroom.
Supporting Agencies
This work has been awarded in the First Call for Grants for Innovation Projects of the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA.
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