Augmented reality in higher education: possibilities and challenges




augmented reality, higher education, educational technology, systematic review, possibilities, challenges, learning


Currently, there is a growing interest in the use of augmented reality in education. Thus, this study, which systematically examines the use of augmented reality in higher education, has three purposes: (1) to present a synthesis of the available empirical evidence on the use of augmented reality in higher education, (2) to identify the possibilities and challenges of incorporating these technologies in university classrooms, and (3) to determine future trends and prospects for research on augmented reality at the university stage. This study used a systematic review method. Twelve articles that met the specified selection criteria were systematically analysed in order to answer the purpose of the study. The studies reviewed suggest that the use of augmented reality acts as an element that enhances the learning experiences of university students (men and women), however, this is not always the case, as there are studies that have reported limitations in its application, such as the lack of teacher training. The results of the review are discussed in terms of their implications for future research and for improving the training of university teachers in the use of these technologies.

Supporting Agencies

Esta publicación forma parte del proyecto I D i, PID2019-108230RB-I00, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)


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Author Biographies

Marta Montenegro-Rueda, Personal docente e investigador del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Sevilla (España)

Línea de investigación: centrada en la formación digital del profesorado y en el uso de las TIC para los estudiantes con discapacidad.

José Fernández-Cerero, Asistente honorario del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Sevilla (España)

Línea de investigación: centrada en la formación digital del profesorado y en el uso de las TIC para los estudiantes con discapacidad.


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How to Cite

Montenegro-Rueda, M., & Fernández-Cerero, J. (2022). Augmented reality in higher education: possibilities and challenges. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (23), 95–114.