Redesign of portals for the Spanish Wikipedia


  • Agustín Zanotti Gordillo Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María y de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)



information literacy, educational cooperation, dissemination of scientific knowledge, informal education, new technologies, society of information, sociology of technology, communication technology


The article presents an action-research experience in the Wikipedia encyclopedia in Spanish. It was carried out on the space of portals, which allow the selection and curation of content and the creation of thematic tours. For this, a diagnosis was made of its current state and collaborative instances were generated from wiki technology. Based on a situation defined by the decline in participation, the actions aimed at reactivating the spaces, updating the infrastructure and content, improving access from devices and facilitating its joint presentation.

The interventions were carried out by an interdisciplinary team of university teachers and students (men and women) during 2020-2021, in collaboration with volunteer editors. As a result, about 120 portals were redesigned. The results show some potential of Wikipedia as an open educational resource (OER). Along with this, it reflects on the challenges of collaborative production among peers in sociotechnical environments. The methodology complements the analysis of records and data available on the platform, along with the systematization of experience.


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Author Biography

Agustín Zanotti Gordillo, Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María y de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)

Docente en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Investigador, entre otros, del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Zanotti Gordillo, A. (2022). Redesign of portals for the Spanish Wikipedia. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (23), 155–176.