Gamification and e-learning: study of a university context for the adaptation of the design


  • Mario Germán Almonte Moreno Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Sevilla y egresado del Máster en Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • Javier Bravo Agapito Profesor de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)



gamification, motivation, engagement, e-learning, BrainHex model, higher education


Gamification, applied to educational contexts, can increase the motivation and engagement of stu­dents. First analysis of the bibliography tells that there is not enough research done in this topic, and there are few guidelines marked to implement gamification. This work aims to generate hypothe­ses that guide the design of a future pilot study in e-learning high education. Students and teachers from the Master of Education and New Technolo­gies at the Madrid Open University (UDIMA) have been tested. The methodology includes qualitative and quantitative aspects and two different on-line questionnaires. Student’s questionnaire included a translation of the BrainHex test. Conclusions about the gamification characteristics which are more suitable in this e-learning high education context are generated using these results and through a review of existing research: related to the accep­tance of gamification by students and teachers; related to the type of gamification elements that are more suitable for use in the context at the UDIMA and related to aspects or behaviors that need to be changed through the motivation of students.


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How to Cite

Almonte Moreno, M. G., & Bravo Agapito, J. (2016). Gamification and e-learning: study of a university context for the adaptation of the design. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (4), 52–60.