Collaborative practices in the teaching of second languages: creation of an open access repository of didactic resources by teachers and secondary school students and by librarians


  • Ana Isabel Bonilla-Calero Directora de Relaciones Internacionales en (México)/Responsable del Programa de Sellos Internacionales de Calidad (SIC) de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA)/Doctora por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)



open access, teaching innovation, evaluation of digital resources, second language teaching, secondary education


This research analyzes the value of creating an academic information system in open access for the field of teaching second languages, generated by teachers and students of secondary education and librarians with the support of computer scientists (men and women), in a context in which the pandemic has complicated the application of real environments in the training activities used in the learning of second languages ​​and the number of educational resources used online has increased, but without the expected impact on teaching, due to the wide and a varied number of information sources from which educational resources can be obtained, which entail risks due to the mixing of works of different credibility published by different media. Taking these aspects into account, a project is proposed to create a repository of educational resources in open access in which the following development phases are established: (a) design of the platform on which the repository will be built, (b) establishment of criteria for the selection of resources to be published, (c) design of the resource indexing procedure and (d) dissemination of the repository in the educational community and implementation of mechanisms that promote the publication of resources in open access in the educational context.


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Author Biography

Ana Isabel Bonilla-Calero, Directora de Relaciones Internacionales en (México)/Responsable del Programa de Sellos Internacionales de Calidad (SIC) de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA)/Doctora por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)

Experiencia investigadora en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) de España, en la University of Strathclyde y en la Glasgow Caledonian University (ambas del Reino Unido) y en la Universidad Veracruzana de México. Experiencia docente presencial y virtual en universidades de 15 países.


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How to Cite

Bonilla-Calero, A. I. (2022). Collaborative practices in the teaching of second languages: creation of an open access repository of didactic resources by teachers and secondary school students and by librarians. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (22), 173–194.



Projects and Academic contributions