Virtual escape room: a university teaching tool for developing transversal competencies and knowledge retention




escape room, game-based learning, flow theory, knowledge retention, development of transversal competencies, virtual games, gamification


The escape room is a game that may be used to improve students' (men and women) learning and foster transversal competencies. The characteristics of this game are suitable to engage students in the solving of the educational challenges. Despite its growing use in educational contexts, there is limited evidence of its application in the university environment, particularly on a digital platform. This paper shows the experience of applying a virtual escape room in a Spanish university degree. Results shown in this study reveal that participants experience a high-quality game and a high level of satisfaction with the game and also indicate that through the virtual escape room, targeted learning goals and transversal competencies such as emotional management and teamwork can be achieved. We conclude by discussing the key implications and the lessons learned.

Supporting Agencies

Los/las autores/as del artículo agradecen el apoyo recibido por la Universitat Jaume I al proyecto «Herramientas de gamificación y recursos audiovisuales para la docencia en dirección de empresas» dentro de la convocatoria de Ayudas a la Innovación Educativa para el año 2021.


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How to Cite

Salvador-Gómez, A., Escrig-Tena, A. B., Beltrán-Martín, I., & García-Juan, B. (2022). Virtual escape room: a university teaching tool for developing transversal competencies and knowledge retention. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (21), 7–48.

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