Scenario-based learning as a strategy to develop skills to cope with the process of personnel selection




gamification, scenario-based learning (SBL), personnel selection, interview, roleplay, group dynamics, e-learning, serious games


This research describes the design and implementation of an online simulation game whose goal is to help develop skills in 54 university students (men and women) at the graduate and post-graduate levels, so they may successfully face a personnel selection procedure.

The theoretical basis that underpins this tool is scenario-based learning (SBL), which lets us recreate different skill assessment scenarios in a selection process (group dynamics, roleplay and interview) to provide students with better knowledge of these tests, and helps them to reflect on the importance of developing certain skills in their profile through a situational self-assessment.
The conclusions are highly positive as after playing the game, most students believed that they had improved knowledge of how a selection process is conducted, that the game had allowed them to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of their profile, and that they were more aware of the aspects to be improved in order to cope with a selection process.


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How to Cite

Prieto Preboste, S. N., & Chamorro Laborda, J. M. (2022). Scenario-based learning as a strategy to develop skills to cope with the process of personnel selection. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (21), 49–80.