OneNote class notebook for enhanced teacher digital competence




professional development, Teachers' digital competence (TDC), DigComEdu, TPACK model, observation, action research, Microsoft OneNote


The pandemic situation generated by COVID-19 has put the different agents of the educational community in check, forcing them to make a forced transition to increasingly digitalised and technological classroom models. This hasty migration to a new educational paradigm has led to an increased workload for teachers, who have had to restructure and rethink the content and teaching materials hitherto used in the traditional classroom model. Furthermore, the development of teachers' digital competence (TDC) has become the main objective for educational institutions in order to meet the new demands of the learning process and to limit, in turn, the inequalities among students resulting from the students resulting from a lack of effective TDC. In this context, we present the Collaborative Digital Observation Notebook (CDON), a proposal for an internal observation and training plan developed in OneNote with the aim of promoting peer observation and developing digital competence in teaching in context.


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How to Cite

Mena Octavio, M., & González Argüello, M. V. (2022). OneNote class notebook for enhanced teacher digital competence. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (21), 115–154.



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