This is an outdated version published on 2016-01-12. Read the most recent version.

A project based learning experience through best use of state-ofthe- art technology


  • Juan José López Berrio Ideólogo y desarrollador (España)



projects, entrepreneurship, technology, Horizon 2020, innovation


Our proposal consists in activating the most important talent in the education institutions (their students), converting them in the change movement they need. How do we do that? We attract them through an enriching and disruptive programme, that suggest them a real entrepreneurship challenge, guiding and empowering them to reach the goals planned.

Our vehicle is the Innovation Lab, a per­manent program, where through a pro­ject based learning and working as a real and modern startup, the students work and collaborate using state of the art technology and methodologies, such as cloud computing, design thinking, flipped classroom, gamification, etc., by combi­ning on-line work and sessions at school.

The idea is revolutionary and innovative but also perfectly aligned with the con­tent of the Horizon 2020-Schools Edi­tion. We have achieved great results, both qualitative and quantitative, as you would be able to see along the article.


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Barroso, J. y Llorente, C. [2001]: «La alfabetización tecnológica», en J. Cabero, Tecnología educati­va: diseño y utilización de medios en la enseñan­za. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica, pág. 92. Disponi­ble en:

BOE [29 de enero de 2015]: Orden ECD/65/2015, de 21 de enero, por la que se describen las relacio­nes entre las competencias, los contenidos y los criterios de evaluación de la educación primaria, la educación secundaria obligatoria y el bachillera­to. Disponible en:

European Commission [2012, november]: Education and training 2020 work programme. Disponible en:­yreview_en.pdf

Mir, B. [2009, marzo]: La competencia digital, una propuesta. Disponible en: http://www.slidesha­

VIU [2015, 1 de junio]: Aprender a aprender: una com­petencia básica para el aprendizaje permanente (blog). Disponible en:­der-a-aprender-una-competencia-basica-para-el-aprendizaje-permanente/




How to Cite

López Berrio, J. J. (2016). A project based learning experience through best use of state-ofthe- art technology. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (3), 43–61.