A Blockchain based architecture and proof of concept for remote examination at an open university





Blockchain, remote exam, proof, concept, university, reliability, immutability


During last years, a great number of researchers are proposing different uses for the Blockchain technology (BT) in diferent industries. The uses are related to the raw data exchange and to the exchange of image and music files. More over, new applications in finance, logistics, insurances, commerce and other areas appear everyday. In the educational industry, several applications of BT have been proposed: repositories for certificates, custody of expedients, etc.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to find any application of BT for educational –non administrative– purposes. The solution presented in the paper, solves the problem for sending an exam remotely and it guarantees the immutability (no ex post modification) of the file sent by the student. The proof of concept has been applied to an exam to validate its feasibility. The results are satisfactory as the technology is transparent for the student, the university can access the exam any moment and verify its content and the immutability of the exam is guarateed by the use of BT.


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Author Biography

Juan Luis Rubio Sánchez, Vicerrector de Relaciones Universidad-Empresa de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)

Profesor de la Escuela de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA, ha desarrollado su actividad profesional en distintas multinacionales del sector de la tecnología. Su área de investigación se centra en el estudio de sistemas, herramientas y metodologías de gestión para las organizaciones, de forma especial para los centros educativos.


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How to Cite

Rubio Sánchez, J. L. (2022). A Blockchain based architecture and proof of concept for remote examination at an open university. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (22), 103–130. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2022.636