Financial education in pills: financial riddles and posts in the Bank Customer Portal




financial education, financial riddles, Bank Customer Portal, behavioural science


Financial education of bank users essentially has a practical nature. Financial education –understood as a combination of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours– allows us to take decisions of expenditure, saving and indebtedness with responsibility, information and sustainability. This is indispensable to ensure the financial welfare, both individual and collective: if we follow the past financial crises, we can remember the disastrous economic and social consequences due to, among other factors, uninformed and irresponsible financial decisions of a mass of consumers. However, in spite of its importance, data shows a generalised illiteracy of the population (Spain is not an exception) and a scarce interest for knowing the most basic financial rudiments. Within this context, to stimulate the citizens' curiosity for their personal and family finances is a real challenge for those who work in the educational-institutional sphere. This work explores some keys for this, adopting a behavioural scope, and presents a practical implementation materialised in two series of educational contents published in the Bank Customer Portal of Banco de España. It also analyses their impact, limitations and potentialities.


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How to Cite

Andújar Nagore, I. (2022). Financial education in pills: financial riddles and posts in the Bank Customer Portal. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (21), 81–114.



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