Facial authentication as an extra support in virtual learning environments to avoid academic fraud


  • Francisco David Guillén Gámez Profesor de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • Javier Bravo Agapito Profesor doctor de la Escuela de Ciencias Técnicas e Ingeniería de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España).




e-learning, Moodle, facial authentication, on-line e-learning


Currently, both teachers and students are adapting themselves to the new technologies offered by the XXI century. In the case of teachers, this adapta­tion is greater since there is a need to adapt learn­ing to new technologies, lifestyles and habits. One of the possibilities that information and commu­nication technologies (ICT) offer us is to provide learning management systems, with flexible learn­ing, that allows us to manage and evaluate diffe-rent activities of an e-learning process.

Despite the progress made in the field of e-learning, there is a very low number of works that allow through proper mechanisms to a correct identifica­tion of students when they do their on-line activi­ties to prevent cheating. Although current learning management systems include tools for user authen­tication, they only verify the user’s identity at the time of login through a username and password, but it does not certify that it is the correct student.

Against this trouble, the use of facial authentica­tion software in on-line activities which students have to do, allows us to identify and prevent those students who might cheat. This research project seeks to propose a mechanism or technique to ensure the correct access to the student within a learning platform, that is to say, the student is the one who really is, through a facial recognition software called Smowl.


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How to Cite

Guillén Gámez, F. D., & Bravo Agapito, J. (2016). Facial authentication as an extra support in virtual learning environments to avoid academic fraud. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (3), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2016.63