Addiction to social networks in Mexican students: perceptions of students and teachers




social networks, addiction, youth, students, teachers, social media addiction, social media problems, satisfaction with social media use


The expansion of the internet and mobile devices has contributed to a shift in communication. Currently, most youths and adolescents are registered and prioritize communication through social networks, which, in many cases, involves an abusive and addictive use of them. The main objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions that Mexican students and professors have regarding their level of addiction to social networks. The sample is made up of 17,600 students and 1,480 teachers in the Mexican high school system and the instrument used has been the Social Media Addiction Scale-Student Form (SMAS-SF) translated, adapted and validated to the Mexican context. Among the main results, it can be highlighted that there are differences between the perceptions of both groups regarding the addiction level of students to social networks as well as the frequency and time of social networking and navigating the internet


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How to Cite

Valencia-Ortiz, R., Cabero-Almenara, J., & Garay Ruiz, U. (2021). Addiction to social networks in Mexican students: perceptions of students and teachers. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (19), 103–122.