Arroyo Amayuelas, E., Martínez Mata Y., Rodríguez Font, M. y Tarrés Vives, M. (2021). Servicios en plataforma: estrategias regulatorias. Marcial Pons, 195 pp.



self-regulation, codes of conduct, ethics, internet, digital platforms, public service, technology


Digital platforms represent a phenomenon that is leading a very significant success. It has been said that some of them take a position outside the imperative regulation of the States. Public planning cannot completely discipline a reality that is overwhelmed by technological progress. Therefore, many have made use of self-regulation and codes of conduct have been approved. Likewise, it should be considered that there is a control body in charge of verifying its observance. It should be noted that some of these platforms develop what could be described as a public service (in various fields such as, among others, education, health and social services). In other services, they can represent accessory tools that are certainly useful in customer service. It has become clear that certain online platforms are essential services: public utilities. In short, its regulation significantly exceeds competition law.


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Author Biography

Patricia Vargas Portillo, ESIC University/ESIC Business & Marketing School (España)

Licenciada en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad Autónoma de Honduras. Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Huelva (España). Acreditada por la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA). Líneas de investigación: marketing, nuevas tecnologías, comercio electrónico, comportamiento organizacional, etc.

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How to Cite

Vargas Portillo, P. (2023). Arroyo Amayuelas, E., Martínez Mata Y., Rodríguez Font, M. y Tarrés Vives, M. (2021). Servicios en plataforma: estrategias regulatorias. Marcial Pons, 195 pp. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (25), 159–161. Retrieved from