The use of mobile devices in university classrooms and academic performance: literature review and new evidence in Spain




mobile devices, smartphones, laptops, tablets, academic performance, higher education


This study echoes a lively debate, which has been present in recent years in the field of higher education about whether to allow or prohibit the use of mobile devices by students in the classroom. In order to facilitate more informed decision-making, the empirical evidence to date on the relationship between the use of mobile devices in classrooms and student academic performance is thoroughly reviewed. New empirical evidence on this relationship is also provided considering certain aspects that have been ignored by past research, such as the type of subject(s), professor's interest/characteristics, the year of study, and even class size. The mixed results obtained from the empirical analysis, as well as the available evidence, suggest that the use of these mobile devices and their relationship with academic performance is a complex issue that need to be carefully examined. We suggest that the question of whether the use of mobile devices should be allowed or prohibited in the classroom should be replaced by how professor's can make the best use of these devices in their classes. In addition, other proposals are presented that may be especially useful in an educational context such as the current one, which is highly conditioned by the COVID-19 crisis.


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How to Cite

Alonso-Conde, A. B., Rojo-Suárez, J., & Zúñiga-Vicente, J. Ángel. (2021). The use of mobile devices in university classrooms and academic performance: literature review and new evidence in Spain. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (20), 7–48.