Problems of study and investigation of addiction to online social networks in young people and adolescents




social media, addiction, internet, teacher role, parent education


Mobile telephony and social networks have revolutionized the ways of communicating and relating to ourselves today, being clearly reflected in the social relationships of young people and adolescents. The excessive use of social networks can cause counterproductive effects on the youngest: social isolation, distortion between the real and virtual world, lack of attention to other activities, depression, anxiety, health problems and school failure. Given this perspective, it is important to offer information on social networks from an educational perspective. This article aims to analyze the impact of social networks on young people and specify some elements that must be controlled from the educational field. To this end, a bibliographic review has been carried out by various scientific sources, using a total of 116 publications. After analyzing these scientific sources, we can conclude that educational institutions, teachers and parents have a great role to play in reducing the challenges that appear when using social networks. For their part, educational and teaching institutions must offer means to develop digital skills that allow young people to adequately deal with ICT and social networks. Regarding parents, it is necessary to offer them information to guide their children in the use of these technologies.


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How to Cite

Valencia-Ortiz, R., Cabero-Almenara, J., Garay Ruiz, U., & Fernández Robles, B. (2021). Problems of study and investigation of addiction to online social networks in young people and adolescents. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (18), 99–125.