The pedagogical value of Telegram as a complement to mobile learning in finance training: practical application to a case study




Telegram, mobile learning, learning models, pedagogical usability, technical usability, technology acceptance model (TAM), video, chatbot, e-learning, teaching innovation, problems based learning (PBL), digital transformation, WhatsApp, WeChat, social transform


This research investigates the pedagogical value of Telegram as a complement to mobile learning in the context of a personal finance course in which 1,205 students participated.

The theoretical basis is based on the constructs developed in the acceptance theory of technology acceptance model (TAM) and in the 10 Nokelainen criteria in relation to pedagogical usability.

The research question positively relates the use of Telegram to learning models, the work of teachers, the interrelationship of students, the importance of content and the use of devices.

The study´s conclusions are very positive, as Telegram stands out for its high degree of satisfaction in relation to the learning model, with a maximum dropout rate of 2.90 %, it is a magnificent complement to the performance of teachers and increases their potential with the use of audiovisual content and the use of multi-devices interchangeably.


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2021-01-27 — Updated on 2021-11-22


How to Cite

de los Ríos Medina, J. (2021). The pedagogical value of Telegram as a complement to mobile learning in finance training: practical application to a case study. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (18), 7–42. (Original work published January 27, 2021)