The ePortfolio as an educational resourse and its impact on job search


  • Monika Ciesielkiewicz Profesora del centro universitario Villanueva, adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)



electronic portfolio, ePortfolio, information and communication technologies (ICT), human resources, educational resource, teaching tool, education, e-learning, evaluation


This paper intends to make evident that the ePortfolio is an effective and cutting-edge learning and evaluation tool, as well as a multimedia curriculum vitae that can be sent out to future employers. It can be used to present, document, reflect on, and promote students’ skills, credentials, certificates and diverse formal and infor­mal experiences in a structured, well-organized and marketable way.

Different types and parts of ePortfolio will be explained in this paper and it will be demonstrated that ePortfolio teaches a ranges of strategies that facilitates learn­ing, as well as the acquisition of skills needed in a workplace. Besides, real examples of ePortfolio, both american and spanish version, developed by stu­dents in both countries will be presented. Finally, the results of a survey carried out among fifty two human resources direc­tors will be analyzed. This paper will de-monstrate that the electronic portfolio can be considered a very useful and effective job search tool that can count with a significant approval in the busi­ness world.


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How to Cite

Ciesielkiewicz, M. (2015). The ePortfolio as an educational resourse and its impact on job search. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (2), 83–99.