A proposal for an educational model for exponential organizations


  • José Antonio Álvarez López Doctorando en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
  • Ricardo Sampablo Buezas Profesor del Centro de Estudios Financieros, CEF.- y de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)




digital transformation, new economy, disruptive innovation, exponential organizations, disruptive leadership


Today's society, companies and professionals are in a complex process of transformation, with the need to join a new digital business context, inherent in the digital transformation of organizations, which has become known as the «new economy». In this context, the referents are exponential organizations, which include specific additional competences. In order to respond to this type of organization, a new training framework is proposed, characterized by technological training, which will also evolve in parallel with the digital educational, social, political, economic and business transformation.

In this research work, a new training framework is proposed, based on the acquisition of the skills inherent in disruptive leadership, which improves the competitiveness of professionals and, therefore, of companies.


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How to Cite

Álvarez López, J. A., & Sampablo Buezas, R. (2020). A proposal for an educational model for exponential organizations. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (17), 149–179. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2020.493