SCADA system adapted for feeding control in laboratory animals


  • Julia María Samos Juárez Directora del animalario de la Facultad de Medicina de Albacete de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)
  • Jorge Juan Rosillo Olmos CTO de Konery (España)
  • Antonio Ruiz Canales Profesor titular de universidad del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (España)



rats, low cost systems, feed control, Arduino®, wireless


Animal facilities are becoming increasingly complex, they must ensure the basic needs and ani­mal welfare, and moreover they should allow the implementation of the variety of experimental procedures that take place in them. Due to the difficulty of implementation and the high cost of the automatic feeding systems, the use of these systems has been practically limited to large facilities, being the provision of diets manual in most centres. However, due to the increase in experimental procedures involving some type of food restriction and mainly to the advantages of restricted feeding versus ad libitum (AL) feeding in long-term rodent studies, the sophistica­tion of automatic feeding systems in experimental animals is higher than in another species.

The idea of developing and implementing a low-cost diet dispenser for experimental rodents comes up given the huge potential for growth in this sector. Following this concept, we pro­pose in this article the development of a prototype, based on a SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system. The user will access to the control of the equipment through an interface easy to install and to use. The SCADA will allow the dosage of the food according to an established schedule and the recording of the intake in real time. This low-cost solution will establish a competitive and widely used proposal on the market.


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How to Cite

Samos Juárez, J. M., Rosillo Olmos, J. J., & Ruiz Canales, A. (2020). SCADA system adapted for feeding control in laboratory animals. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (16), 143–165.