MOOCs: substitute or complement of traditional training?


  • Juan Carlos Aguado Franco Profesor contratado doctor de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)



massive open online courses (MOOCs), teaching innovation, communication technologies, flipped classroom


Massive open online courses (MOOCs) represent one of the greatest exponents of the use of new technologies in education, since they eliminate physical barriers and allow students from any corner of the world to access high quality studies free of charge.

With the aim of studying if, in this sense, MOOCs can become a threat to traditional universities, or if they can become a tool that allows to improve university teaching and facilitate the use of active teaching methodologies, we create four MOOC courses in related areas of knowledge and we use them as a tool for the use of methodologies such as flipped learning in students of the same degree.

The results show a very notable improvement in student grades as a result of the use of MOOCs, and, as regular users of the new technologies that they are, they value the use of digital tools in the survey conducted very positively. However, when asked about the ideal way to receive teaching, they almost unanimously preferred the joint use of MOOCs with face-to-face teaching, showing reluctance to teaching conducted only online through MOOCs.


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How to Cite

Aguado Franco, J. C. (2020). MOOCs: substitute or complement of traditional training?. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (16), 41–62.