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Gamification project based on the escape room applied to a bilingual classroom of primary education with the CLIL approach


  • Susana Sempere Pla Maestra e investigadora de educación bilingüe



content and language integrated learning (CLIL), escape room, gamification, bilingual education, breakout box


In the bilingual classrooms where content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is carried out, it is necessary to count on gamified environments since students will have to be highly motivated to learn content in a foreign language (english). Therefore, throughout this work a gamification project based on the escape room for a CLIL classroom will be developed. The escape room will contribute positively to CLIL, because it will offer a constructivist and playful methodology and it will make possible to deal with the «4 Cs» framework for CLIL effectively. The reason for this is that this technique of gamification and CLIL are compatible, as they have many similarities. The most appropriate term to refer to escape room in education is «breakout box», which is based on the resolution of different puzzles in a time limit to obtain the codes that will open the several locks of a breakout box. Thus, the designed project, aimed at 4th year of primary education and annual, will consist in the implementation of a breakout box at the end of each one of the units of Natural Sciences, which will be useful for increasing knowledge, promoting capabilities, and assessing in a motivating atmosphere. To ensure the understanding of the planning of an escape room in the CLIL classroom, one breakout box of the school year will be developed.


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How to Cite

Sempere Pla, S. (2020). Gamification project based on the escape room applied to a bilingual classroom of primary education with the CLIL approach. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (16), 5–40.