New tools for old problems: bullying and cyberbullying through a court sentences analysis


  • Susana Blanco Fernández Doctora en Psicología y psicóloga forense en el Gabinete de Psicología Recursos (España)
  • Carmen González Pais Psicóloga forense en el Gabinete de Psicología Recursos (España)
  • Judith Velasco Rodríguez Investigadora en el Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Córdoba (España)



cyberbullying, psychological damages, new technologies, education, court sentences


Peer maltreatment is a social issue that affects youngsters worldwide. Its great prevalence and the harshness of its outcomes made bullying a critical topic when it comes to youth health. Since the 70s, the concern about this matter has not stopped growing, which has led to the increase of studies, the development of new research lines, and, consequently, a finer knowledge of this form of violence (or other modalities like cyberbullying) that allow better support to victims. However, when the severity of peer victimisation exceeds the competencies of schools and it requires the intervention of the legal system, certain conceptual and methodological issues have been observed. Hence, victims are receiving deficient attention. The present study addresses how bullying is conceptualised and treated in courts.


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How to Cite

Blanco Fernández, S., González Pais, C., & Velasco Rodríguez, J. (2020). New tools for old problems: bullying and cyberbullying through a court sentences analysis. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (15), 51–80.