MOOCs. A new model of e-learning in the current educational system


  • Rosabel Roig Vila Profesora de la Universidad de Alicante (España)
  • Serezade Fernández Rico Estudiante de la Universidad de Alicante (España)



e-learning, MOOCs, ICT, Tertiary Education Superior


Education is framed within the characteristics of the current society, where internet is the means through which new edu­cational approaches are being implemented. MOOCs are thus being established as a new way of learning in the current context, especially in tertiary education. This work addres­ses this new term to analy­ze its meaning, features and main virtual platforms providing them, on the one hand; and the issues needed to be solved in order to set up a new e-lear­ning model, on the other hand. It can be concluded that this new model must be fully compatible with the planification of the education policy and curri­cular analysis.


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How to Cite

Roig Vila, R., & Fernández Rico, S. (2015). MOOCs. A new model of e-learning in the current educational system. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (1), 46–52.