Research evaluation systems: approach to the british performance-based research funding system


  • Ramón Martínez García Personal investigador de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Málaga y licenciado en Derecho (España)



perfomance-based research funding system, United Kingdom, research excellence framework (REF), informed peer review, impact case


The implementation of performance-based research funding system is a constant by internatio­nal organizations. In the European Research Area (ERA), Spain is an exception and there have been no performative measures. The general objective of this work is to describe and analyze the basic characteristics of this system. For this purpose, we have chosen to approach the british system, the first country to implement these scientific policies, based on a documen­tary research based on the review of specialized literature in combination with the exegetical interpretation of the standard. The results speak of a system based on a retributive logic of the financing system. The evaluation of the research is based on peer review with a gradual introduction of the metrics as a complementary element. The conclusions point to the need to continue deepening the study of comparative frameworks that facilitate the transition between an institutional model to another based on results.


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How to Cite

Martínez García, R. (2019). Research evaluation systems: approach to the british performance-based research funding system. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (14), 71–93.