Characterization framework for the quantification of quality in web components


  • Miguel Ortega Moreno Investigador de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)
  • David Lizcano Casas Profesor doctor de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • Genoveva López Gómez Profesora titular de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)



web components, software metrics, software engineering


Web development is rapidly evolving both in technologies available and services being offe­red. Software engineering that lies behind has not been quite able to keep up with the new challenges that have to be addressed. However, encapsulation and interoperability have been pushed forward with a new paradigm: web components. Using package management tools, developers with different level of programming expertise reuse web components from many sources. Nevertheless, web components still lack a quality framework universally accepted. It is difficult to assess how good or bad a component is.


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How to Cite

Ortega Moreno, M., Lizcano Casas, D., & López Gómez, G. (2019). Characterization framework for the quantification of quality in web components. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (14), 39–70.