Technological inclusion project for the study of body percussion




information and communication technologies (ICT), musical education, body percussion, gamification, playful, active methodology, educational technology


The body and the voice are the first musical instruments used in music education following the premises of the main musical pedagogies. Regarding the sound possibilities of the body in instrumental practice, body percussion is one of the activities in music education classrooms at Primary Schools. However, like any instrumental practice, it requires monitoring by specialist teacher so that students (boys and girls) acquire knowledge in a systematic way and in increasing order of difficulty. The duration of the Music sessions in this educational stage is only one hour a week and include a large group of students. For this reason, is very difficult to do an individualized teaching of the students. Now it is necessary for students to continue with instrumental practice independently outside the school. To avoid the absence of this fundamental guide, we propose this project to include an app in this teaching-learning process of body percussion.


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Author Biography

Paloma Bravo Fuentes, Investigadora en estancia posdoctoral en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga (España)

Docente de Música en la etapa de Primaria. Doctora en Informática por la Universidad de Alicante (España). Máster en Tecnología Educativa por la Universidad de Murcia (España). Titulada superior de Guitarra Clásica por el Conservatorio Superior de Música Rafael Orozco (Córdoba, España). Interesada en la investigación sobre inclusión tecnológica en el aula de Música y en lo referente a nuevas metodologías activas de enseñanza de la materia.


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How to Cite

Bravo Fuentes, P. (2023). Technological inclusion project for the study of body percussion. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (24), 169–194.



Projects and Academic contributions