Social media in Primary Education: knowledge and use by participating teachers in a training environment


  • Bruno Moratón Cano Maestro del CEIP Quirós-Alfoz de Lloredo y estudiante de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • María Luna Chao Profesora de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • Sonia J. Romero Martínez Profesora de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)



social networking, teacher training, Primary Education, ICT


In recent years, the use of social networks has grown to currently become important communication tools. In school education it is possible to take profits to the potential of social networks to work with students of different educational stages several curricular contents. At the same time, pupils can develop skills to use social networks properly. In the present study we asses­sed the degree of knowledge about social networks and the kind of use of a sample of Primary teachers. Furthermore, we  compare teachers’ perception of utility and their disposition to use social networks after a training process. The majority of the parti­cipants consider social networks as useful or very useful. Nevertheless they have dee­per knowledge of common social networks than of specific educational networks. Addi­tionally, they seem to be unconscious of the characteristics and possibilities of the later. After training, the teachers increased their perception of utility and their disposition to incorporate social networks to their educa­tional activities.


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How to Cite

Moratón Cano, B., Luna Chao, M., & Romero Martínez, S. J. (2015). Social media in Primary Education: knowledge and use by participating teachers in a training environment. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (1), 77–83.