Inclusion of ICT in the area of Physical Education (third year of Primary Education)


  • María Fátima Torres Soltero Maestra del CRA Nuestra Señora de la Paz de Valuengo y estudiante de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España).



ICT, inclusion, Physical Education, Primary Education, technological resources and teacher training


The project which is presented in the following article aims to the inclusion of the information and communica­tion technology (ICT) in the field of Primary Education, within the area of Physical Education.

There is no doubt that we are currently immersed in a digital revo­lution which affects different con­texts, including formal education. In the field of Primary Education, the inclusion of the information and com­munication technologies is neces­sary in order to use the technological resources in the school curriculum. There is evidence that teacher do not possess enough digital competence to develop ICT related activities.

The present article aims to analyze the introduction of these technolo­gies in a specific context: the Phy­sical Education area. We aimed to assess the knowledge, training and the utility of ICT by teachers, to be able to work with them in the class-room. The general aim is to conso­lidate the use of technologies of the information as a great teaching tool in the context of Physical Education.


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How to Cite

Torres Soltero, M. F. (2015). Inclusion of ICT in the area of Physical Education (third year of Primary Education). Technology, Science and Education Journal, (1), 84–89.