Creativity in the educational context: training skills
education, talent, capacity, trainingAbstract
The creativity has become an indispensable phenomenon in education for long time. As everything that emerges impulsively, it has become an essential factor in learning processes. Creativity has been attributed the role of guru, since it has become the solution of the abilities, skills and abilities that must be provided to students. This work tries to emphasize fundamentally the importance of the creativity, although, it is necessary to develop it in a suitable context and environment. It does not serve simply to say «creativity is made», but it is important to explain «how it is done» and «what it is done for». Therefore this article is a critical reflection on this need that is creativity, something that has become a phenomenon within our educational system. On the other hand, undoubtedly, education needs creativity, not everything shown as creativity is creativity. Currently there are many critics of educational learning models because they say that the school kills creativity, as well as there are others contrary to this opinion.
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