The generation and transferability potential of the curriculum vitae in audiovisual format


  • Ana Landeta Etxeberria Doctora en Dirección y Administración de Empresas (especialidad en estrategia corporativa y en estrategia y políticas de negocio) y directora del Instituto I+ D+ i de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • Silvia Prieto Preboste Coordinadora de la Unidad de Innovación de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)



video curriculum-branding, multimedia education, digital skills, audiovisual productions, knowledge transfer


The curriculum vitae in audiovisual format allows any applicant to know suitable strategies and personal resources for their employability and/or their job position enhancement, considering the acquisition of digital competence.

This paper is addressed on two different perspectives; as a process, generating the curriculum vitae in audiovisual format, and as a result, transferring it directly to different beneficiaries: society, vocational and educational training students, higher education students, European innovative education projects, business sector and to refugees currently in the Nizip-2 refugee camp in Turkey.

Thus, the essential outcome (video tutorials for a curriculum vitae generation in audiovisual for­mat) is that the knowledge transfer is achieved because the knowledge-outcome has generated a significant transferability potential.


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How to Cite

Landeta Etxeberria, A., & Prieto Preboste, S. (2019). The generation and transferability potential of the curriculum vitae in audiovisual format. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (13), 39–73.