Use and implementation diagnosis of augmented reality in the High School of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
augmented reality, high school education, virtual reality, learning, technological tools, diagnosis, teachingAbstract
Today, in education, augmented reality technology is a tool with great potential because it allows the teachers and the students (men and women) to approach the subject of study in a more dynamic way. In such a way that the objective of the present research covers the diagnosis
of the understanding and use of augmented reality in a sample of the institutional population of
the High School of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. The results suggest that there is minimal knowledge regarding the implementation and management of this technology as part of the teaching-learning strategies, which is why this tool currently has little used in the teaching process. With regard to the above, the creation of learning environments that integrate augmented reality is proposed in order to aspire to increase the understanding of the study topics.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Alberto Soto Reyes, Alfredo Rodríguez-Cruz, Rita Ochoa Cruz, Jesus Mendiola-Precoma, José Eduardo Rodríguez Guevara, Zulma Yunue Cajiga Yañez
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