Educational possibilities of the augmented reality tool ZapWorks in science education. An experience with Master's Degree in Teaching students
augmented reality, emerging technologies, ZapWorks, science education, educational proposals, initial teacher training, educational innovationAbstract
This paper presents the educational possibilities of the ZapWorks as augmented reality tool in science education through an experience implemented with 57 Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, High School, Vocational Training and Language Teaching students (men and women) at the Universidad de Málaga (specialities in Physics and Chemistry, and Biology and Geology). The experience was carried out in two sessions of two hours. In the first session, the students were taught about augmented reality and its educational possibilities, and from a procedural point of view, they had the opportunity to use the ZapWorks tool and the Zappar application to create amplified scenarios to address scientific contents. After this session, the students, working in pairs, had a week to design an activity with the tool and prepare an explanatory report. The second session consisted of an oral explanation of the proposal in the classroom. The instruments used for data collection were the written report and a survey administered at the end of the experience to find out the students' perceptions about the use and educational possibilities of augmented reality technology in general, and of the ZapWorks tool in particular. The results show that most of the students have a positive and reflective attitude towards the educational potential of augmented reality and of the ZapWorks tool as a methodological strategy to facilitate the teaching-learning processes of scientific contents.
Supporting Agencies
Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto I+D+i del Plan Nacional PID2019-105765GA-I00, titulado «Ciudadanos con Pensamiento Crítico: un Desafío para el Profesorado en la Enseñanza de las Ciencias», financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España en 2019.
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