Functionalization of anti-fouling surfaces for improvement of titanium properties
polyethylene glycol (PEG), titanium, biofunctionalization, plasma polymerization, electrodeposition, Arg-Gly- Asp (RGD)Abstract
Currently, implant and prosthetic infections are a serious problem, due to the increased use of these prostheses and the presence of bacteria multiresistant to antibiotics. These infections originate, in most cases, from planktonic bacteria. A possible strategy to avoid infections is to develop anti-fouling surfaces that prevent bacterial adhesion. Another strategy focuses on conferring bactericidal properties to the surfaces of the implants with the use of antimicrobial peptides. In both cases, it is necessary to maintain the excellent union to the tissues that titanium presents.
The ideal surface for prostheses would combine anti-fouling, bactericidal and osseointegration properties, achieving an excellent synergic effect on the surfaces of the implants, improving their stability and functionality. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve a critical point, which is to functionalize the anti-fouling layer with other biomolecules that can improve its properties.
The objective of the present work is to deposit an anti-fouling layer on a metallic biomaterial, which can be further functionalized with other biomolecules. Titanium has been coated with functionalized polyethylene glycol (PEG) to which the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) peptide sequence has been attached. The treated titanium surfaces have shown an excellent combination of anti-fouling properties and good cellular response.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Judit Buxadera-Palomero, Carlos Mas-Moruno, Daniel Rodríguez Rius, José María Manero Planella

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