The evolutionary theory in medical education: from Darwin to educational technology
scientific competence, challenge-based learning, global competence, «One Health» approach, gamification, educational escape room, evolutionary medicine, active learning methodologiesAbstract
The theory of evolution is a fundamental principle in the life sciences. However, more than a century and a half after the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, medicine has yet to integrate these evolutionary principles into daily practice or medical training. This work proposes an educational experience aimed at promoting evolutionary literacy among Medical students while fostering essential 21st-century skills, such as scientific, global, and digital competencies. The proposal is based on a thorough analysis of students' alternative conceptions and is enriched with innovative elements offered by educational technologies. It addresses relevant medical issues –such as antibiotic resistance, the emergence of zoonotic diseases, and the evolution of human populations in response to pathogens– from a global perspective like that of «One Health». The initial diagnosis reveals gaps in knowledge and acceptance of certain aspects of evolutionary theory. After implementing the educational proposal, an improvement in this knowledge and an increase in interest and motivation regarding the addressed topics were observed. This highlights the potential of active methodologies and educational technology as drivers of learning, an aspect that deserves more attention within higher education scenarios.
Supporting Agencies
Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de un proyecto de innovación financiado en la IV Convocatoria de Ayudas a Proyectos de Innovación Educativa de la UDIMA (ID-UDIMA-2023-02).
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