The production of objects of learning in augmented reality by the students. The students as information prosumers


  • Julio Cabero Almenara Catedrático de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Sevilla (España)
  • Julio Barroso Osuna Profesor titular de la Universidad de Sevilla (España)
  • Óscar Gallego Pérez Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Didáctica de la Universidad de Sevilla (España)



augmented reality (AR), educational innovation, production of learning objects in AR, technology acceptance model (TAM), instructional material motivational survey (IMMS)


Augmented reality (AR) is one of the emerging technologies with great educational possibilities that is being incorporated into different disciplines and at different educational levels, since it combines, in real time and with the participation of the user, digital information with physical information through different technological supports, such as smartphones or tablets, to create a new reality enriched with information about the real and the virtual. Among its limitations is the lack of research. Limitation that stands out when it is tried to analyze the possibilities that it offers to the education when the students become producers of objects of learning in RA. The research is carried out to analyze the following general objective: to know the educational possibilities of the RA as a tool for the production of training experiences by university students. And for this an experience is carried out where the students, after receiving a training action, they must produce objects in RA about the contents of the subject. The degree of acceptance that technology arouses, the degree of motivation, its impact on academic performance, the evaluation of the structure of the training action and the production software used is analyzed. The results confirm the validity of the experience and open lines of future research developments.


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How to Cite

Cabero Almenara, J., Barroso Osuna, J., & Gallego Pérez, Óscar. (2018). The production of objects of learning in augmented reality by the students. The students as information prosumers. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (11), 15–46.