Serious games for reading initiation in pediatric oncology hospitalized patients




educational games, reading instruction, reading readiness, reading programmes, speed reading, classroom, hospital, paediatrics, educational technology


The unique nature of hospital classrooms and the specific educational needs of children (boys and girls) with oncological pathologies underscore the importance of research that not only supports these patients but also keeps them engaged in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, serious games represent a tool that combines learning and entertainment in the same environment. The general objective of this work is to describe the design and development process of an educational video game created with Unity, aimed at promoting reading fluency in children with oncological conditions in the context of hospital classrooms. This process will be based on pedagogical, technical, and video game design criteria, which will be incorporated into the game architecture based on a comprehensive review of relevant academic literature. In conclusion, the development and implementation of this technology in the mentioned context represent an effort to address the educational challenges present in paediatric oncology environments. Learning and evidence-based practices are systematically leveraged to create an eclectic method integrated into the architecture of the video game, highlighting the potential of video games to personalize and improve the teaching-learning process in exceptional circumstances.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pedro Tacoronte Sosa, Teacher and doctoral researcher at the Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Junta de Andalucía (Sevilla, Spain)

Docente de lenguas extranjeras. Funcionario de carrera de la Junta de Andalucía. Investigador doctoral y traductor especializado en audiovisual, videojuegos y literatura. Cuenta con diversos másteres y enseñanzas de posgrado relacionadas con la educación, las TIC y la enseñanza de idiomas. Como investigador multidisciplinar, sus líneas de investigación e intereses profesionales abarcan la tecnología educativa, el diseño narrativo, la gamificación, los videojuegos y la educación, la enseñanza de la lectura, la innovación, en general, y, en especial, las metodologías de enseñanza de idiomas.

María de los Ángeles Peña Hita, Associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy at the Universidad de Jaén (Spain)

Su línea de investigación se centra en la integración de tecnologías y aplicaciones en contextos educativos, con especial énfasis en la inclusión. Sus áreas de interés y de investigación incluyen los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en aulas hospitalarias, la formación docente mediante tecnologías en entornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje, el empleo de materiales multimodales en educación, la adopción de la gamificación como recurso pedagógico y el emprendimiento en el ámbito educativo.


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How to Cite

Tacoronte Sosa, J. P., & Peña Hita, M. de los Ángeles. (2024). Serious games for reading initiation in pediatric oncology hospitalized patients. Technology, Science and Education Journal, 105–132.



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