Design of techno-pedagogical materials promoted by relational analogical abstraction in Physics teachers
thought, analogy, abstract relational schema, Physics teachers, technopedagogical material, affordance, information and communication technologies (ICT)Abstract
This study addresses the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in science education, especially in Physics, focusing on the understanding of technological-pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) through the concept of «affordance». Using analogical thinking, abstract relational schemas are created to act as mediators in the design of technopedagogical materials. The interdisciplinary approach of the study combines didactics of natural sciences, technology and cognitive psychology to enrich the training of future teachers (men and women). Methodologically, the study is based on a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative approach. Theoretical case studies were conducted with three students of the Physics professorship, selected due to low enrollment and their willingness to participate. This selection allows us to observe how future teachers integrate ICT in teaching in a meaningful way. The process led to the development of an abstract relational schema that serves as a foundation for creating structured and coherent technopedagogical materials. These materials are intended to facilitate the understanding and application of ICT in teaching by providing clear and organized guidance for trainee teachers. This study highlights how the creation of relational analogues, within a didactic-cognitive training context, facilitates a deep semantic coding of the relationship between education and technology. The proper integration of these disciplines not only improves the preparation of future teachers, but also fosters innovation in physics teaching in the digital age.
Supporting Agencies
Este trabajo se realizó con la financiación del proyecto de investigación «Intervenciones mediante analogías para potenciar las habilidades argumentativas, creativas y de enseñanza-aprendizaje (C158/2022)» de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina).
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