Virtual campus, social dynamics and academic performance in higher education
learning analytics, data mining; student's behavior, assessment, sociometry, social sciences, information and communication technologies (ICT)Abstract
The aim is to check whether there are influencing relationships between the use of the virtual campus of a subject, the performance of students (men and women) and their individual and group dynamics. The research is applied to 137 students in two subjects of higher education. The methodology to carry it out is quantitative (learning analytics, data mining and sociometry) and takes as sources the metadata of the virtual campuses (25,308 records), the partial and total grades and the classroom sociograms. The data obtained have made it possible to detect relevant aspects for each of the issues addressed, as well as explicit relationships between them, in terms of behavior patterns. Among which stands out the explanatory capacity of the metadata to measure the influence of sociometry on student performance. This underlines the usefulness of information and communication technologies (ICT), especially virtual campuses present nowadays in almost all universities subjects, as a teaching tool and not just as a means of communication. The evidence detected converges with studies carried out in other geographical areas and at other scales, which underlines its relevance and invites further academic exploration.
Supporting Agencies
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