Effectiveness of video games in the emotional regulation of students





video game, serious game, digital game, gamification, emotional regulation, self control, anxiety, depression


The success of new teaching and learning processes includes indicators such as effective emotional regulation skills and, as a result, healthy social and emotional development and a positive classroom climate. However, in recent years there has been an increase in emotional and behavioral symptoms, clinical and subclinical, among students (men and women) that directly affect the emotional climate of the classroom. Video games can be an accessible vehicle for students to learn to control and manage their emotions by overcoming recognized barriers in traditional prevention and intervention programs, lack of motivation and commitment. The aim of this review is to analyze the level of effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability of video games designed to train emotional regulation skills in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, in samples classified as universal population, at risk, and diagnosed. Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, ERIC, IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Library databases were used, the guidelines of the PRISMA declaration were followed and standardized effect sizes (g of Hedge) were calculated. The results show that video games can be effective in learning emotional regulation strategies and reducing symptoms related to depression, anxiety and lack of impulse control. While this does not always imply a clinically significant change, it suggests that these video games can be valuable in the school context as preventive action and as support for children and adolescents diagnosed.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Gómez León, Professor at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (Logroño, Spain)

Doctora en Neurociencia con sobresaliente cum laude por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Ha participado en proyectos de investigación tanto con la universidad anteriormente mencionada como con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España). Actualmente, es profesora de grado y posgrado en la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, en la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (España) y en la Universidad Camilo José Cela (España); directora y profesora de posgrado en el Máster de Atención Temprana en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (España); y gerente de un centro de neuropsicología infantil especializado en atención temprana.


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How to Cite

Gómez León, M. I. (2024). Effectiveness of video games in the emotional regulation of students. Technology, Science and Education Journal, 31–58. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2024.21317