Digital transformation: from a simple lifting to reorganizing companies


  • Francisco Vacas Aguilar Consultor y profesor titular en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (España)



digital transformation, management, innovation, digital technology, strategy


Digital transformation is the great pending process to be completed by most of organizations after an early stage of integration of digital devices and networks.

The lack of definition of the concept and identifiable objectives slow down this process of evolution or devalue it to superficial levels. It is a must to establish a clear strategy with progressive tactics and define the most important variables of the digital transformation.


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2018-05-10 — Updated on 2021-11-25


How to Cite

Vacas Aguilar, F. (2021). Digital transformation: from a simple lifting to reorganizing companies. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (10), 135–143. (Original work published May 10, 2018)



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