A virtual practice community for the transfer of knowledge between the university and organizations


  • María José Rubio Hurtado Profesora titular de la Universitat de Barcelona (España)
  • Ruth Vilà Baños Profesora agregada interina de la Universitat de Barcelona (España)
  • Angelina Sánchez Martí Profesora posdoctoral de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (España)




knowledge transfer, virtual communities, Practicum, higher education


The article shows the experience of the implementation of a virtual community of practice in the External Practices of the degree of Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona during the academic year 2016-2017. This community pursues the transfer of knowledge among the different agents involved in the practices: university, organizations and students. Its realization consisted of three phases: a) design of the virtual environment for the community of practice; b) activation and functioning of the community; and c) evaluation of the impact of the virtual community of practice on the transfer and evaluation by its members. Among the results, the following stand out: an environment has been created with the Google Sites and Google Plus platforms, based on the needs of its members and a co-design process with them. After a period of operation of half academic course the assessment that its members make of the community is positive although they recognize that there is still way to go to achieve the objective pursued. The scores obtained in the evaluation questionnaire in the dimensions of Wenger show that the interest for all must be better aligned, colla-boration and participation and the strategies and methodologies used must also be improved. The community is in the gestation phase and needs more time to consolidate it, to combine individual differences in a common culture and for participants to overcome their difficulties in reflecting on their practice. The instruments and qualitative comments help us understand the results and propose improvement actions for the next course.


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How to Cite

Rubio Hurtado, M. J., Vilà Baños, R., & Sánchez Martí, A. (2018). A virtual practice community for the transfer of knowledge between the university and organizations. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (10), 91–108. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2018.197