New strategy for management based on confidence in empowered organizations


  • Eugenio Martínez-Falero Catedrático de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, exdirector general de Industria, Energía y Minas de la Comunidad de Madrid, exviceconsejero de Economía y Empleo de la Comunidad de Madrid y expresidente de la Agencia de Acreditación de las Universidades de Madrid (España)
  • José Ramón Peribáñez Recio Doctor ingeniero de Montes por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid e inspector del Cuerpo de Bomberos de la Comunidad de Madrid (donde, además de sus funciones operativas de máxima jefatura en la atención directa a siniestros, ha sido responsable del Área Operativa y de Recursos Humanos) y egresado del Máster en Alta Dirección Pública (España)



organizational management, collective decision making, empathy, complex adaptive system socially intelligent, stochastic algorithms


This paper proposes a new strategy for the management of organizations based on confidence. In empowered organizations, it is possible to make objective measurements of the evolution of trust and, in addition, to do it automatically. Confidence is a dynamic process and it is its growth or decrease that gives real meaning to social decisions. This inspires our strategy: to develop participatory processes while confidence increases, and then to apply the best decision obtained up to that moment.

The systems to measure confidence are based on the empathy among the members of the organization. But, it is necessary a previous homogeneous representation of any opinion. The empathy between each pairs of members is computed from the distance between their respective opinions to systematic changes in the management plan of the organization. The average separation is a global measure of empathy. We have incorporated the effects of member-to-member interactions through agent-based simulation models.

In each case of application, it must be determined when the marginal increases in confidence does not provide improvements to the management of the organization. The paper proposes a stop rule analogous to that developed for implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations’ management.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Falero, E., & Peribáñez Recio, J. R. (2018). New strategy for management based on confidence in empowered organizations. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (10), 75–90.