Project based learning: method for designing activities
project based learning (PBL), educational activities design, information and communication technologies (ICT)Abstract
The Bologna Declaration was the starting point for the construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The guidelines arising from the Bologna Declaration (and subsequent) include: learning through competences, student-centered teaching and active learning. Project based learning (PBL) has a special relevance among active learning methodologies. However, the implementation of PBL has a moderate success in Spain. In recent decades a number of initiatives have been carried out, but in most cases they are restricted to individual subjects with limited scope in the curriculum. This is due in part to this methodology entails some difficulties.
This work describes a method to design educational activities through PBL. The method is aimed at teachers who are starting to use this methodology without prior training, so that the method guides them in the use of fundamental principles and good educational practices related to PBL. To strengthen this method, we have designed and implemented an ICT (information and communication technologies) tool, so that it helps teachers to design a learning activity following this methodology.
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