Creating and implementation of educational materials in early childhood education through digital fabrication




didactic material, digital fabrication, 3D printing, cutting plotter, early childhood education, Egyptian glyphs, technology


The current use of new technologies has revolutionized the way tasks are approached and solved. One interesting application of these technological advancements is the ability for educators (men and women) to create personalized and innovative teaching materials for various educational stages. The proposed approach uses digital design and fabrication technologies to create three customized teaching materials for learning Egyptian hieroglyphs in early childhood education. Based on the specific curriculum being taught at the educational center –which focused on Egyptian culture–, several tools were created: stamps made of foam rubber for writing on papyrus, acetate templates for writing on recycled paper using a cutting plotter, and 3D printed stamps for imprinting on clay. These teaching materials were tested in a classroom of 20 students (boys and girls) in the second year of the early childhood education cycle. Through the implementation of various activities, the materials were evaluated in terms of their suitability for early childhood education, usability, and the quality of the results. Finally, although the teachers and future educators were initially unfamiliar with the tools used to create the materials, they found them to be very functional and practical. They believe that these tools could generate multiple motivating proposals suitable for the students' age, based on the results obtained from the validation in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Bonnet de León, Assistant professor PhD at the Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)

Departamento de Bellas Artes, área de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica. Su investigación se centra en la incorporación de tecnologías de bajo coste en aulas de infantil y primaria. Es miembro del FabLab de la Universidad de La Laguna y forma parte del grupo de investigación Diseño y Fabricación Digital. 

Ángel López Ramos, Graduated in Early Childhood Education at the Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)

Becario de la asignatura Expresión Plástica. Ha desarrollado el trabajo final de grado con Alejandro Bonnet de León. 

Cecile Meier, Associate professor PhD at the Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)

Departamento de Bellas Artes y miembro del grupo de investigación Diseño y Fabricación Digital. Forma parte del FabLab de la Universidad de La Laguna, que pertenece a la red Fab Foundation. Su investigación está especializada en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, la fabricación digital en el aula y su aplicación a la creación artística y escultórica. También desarrolla su investigación en temas de realidad virtual. 


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2024-07-12 — Updated on 2024-09-04


How to Cite

Bonnet de León, A., López Ramos, Ángel, & Meier, C. (2024). Creating and implementation of educational materials in early childhood education through digital fabrication. Technology, Science and Education Journal, 151–168. (Original work published July 12, 2024)