M-learning: technological acceptance of mobile devices in online learning
mobile learning, e-learning strategies, technology acceptance model (TAM), mobile technologyAbstract
Learning is a fundamental tool to develop the Digital Agenda for Europe. Mobile devices are a growing technology with a high penetration in markets, consequently, the future of education must incorporate mobile technologies. The m-learning is a critical dimension to achieve the European 2020 Strategy and improve the competitiveness of European society. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyses the acceptance of mobile technologies for learning activities in high education. We identify the key aspects to achieve an adequate strategic and innovative development of m-learning. The main conclusion of the research is that the use of mobile devices is accepted and considered useful by students to carry out their academic activities. We have also found that technological support is not a restriction, since young university students dominate mobile technology and do not require any support to use it as an educational tool. We have also found that technological support is not a restriction, since young university students dominate mobile technology and do not require any support to use it as an educational tool. We demonstrate that user training and technical support are not key aspects for the strategic development of m-learning projects, but whether the adaptation of contents to the mobile environment is crucial.
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